Friday, August 1, 2014

Time - Time In-turn Manages Everything!

Greetings, this is dedicated to individuals wanting to improve their time management through simple points to remember.

Two of my favorite quotes on “Time”, one talks about right intent, while the other talks about wish to own the “Time Itself”!

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."-  Michael Altshuler
“I used to be a watchmaker, I could make my own hours” - Anonymous

Friends, have you been through these situations before:  
  • An extra 5min snooze on alarm, surprised you how an hour went by!
  • An extra minute glimpse on TV, burnt the food you were cooking for hours!
  • An empty theatre was sold out, when you logged in again an hour later to book tickets!
  • Exams – you knew all the answers but just couldn’t write them all in time.
  • An extra hour at work, that you thought was cool, cost you hours of shopping to fix your wife’s mood ;)
These are few haunting instances most of us would have gone through among many others!
My reason for mentioning these situations in my blog is to make more people aware that time just ticks. It is we who need to align priorities & act “just in time”.
As you grow in your Life & Career, it’s never easy to manage time. But, with simple awareness one can do wonders. None of us are magicians to do everything every time. It is as simple as prioritizing what needs to be done at the earliest which matters.
There are a lot of books out there which talk about time management. Sure, we can learn a lot from them, below are few tips my friend suggested me to keep things simple:

• Prioritize based on importance and urgency. Take care of urgent and important tasks first, then important and non-urgent.
• It doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs to be taken care of.  Do the best but don’t look for perfection all the time.
• Write down the To Dos to avoid forgetting any task that needs to be done.  Out of sight is out of mind.
• Respect other people’s time as you would like your time to be respected. 
• Good to have day’s calendar view in mind when you start your day … it keeps you aligned.
• Apply the same formula for work and home life and keep an integrated work/home life calendar so one doesn’t prioritize over the other.
• Delegate the activities or tasks as necessary and as appropriate.  You don’t want to be the bottleneck ;)
In my experience, two key thoughts I would like to share as take away from this blog, one helps in professional & the other in personal life.
1. There are multiple - similar activities we do in daily life & at work, anything done repeatedly must be focused to gain mastery over a period. By doing so, we start reducing the time we take to do the task as we get more efficient. Time Saved is Time Earned!
2. Always remember – “the time to take rest is when you don’t have time for it”. Read it again and again till you realize the importance of it.
When Friends & Family members suggests us to get some rest, the rebuttal we have is "there is no time for it now", but that’s the actual time you need some rest. When you know it is true, slow down! It will only help you gain better energy to accomplish more tasks.
Remember, time management should always be a balance of professional & personal Life!
Finally a joke to end this blog on a smiling note: “Husband sends an SMS to wife – “having my last mug of beer, will be at home in 1 hour. Read it again if I don’t turn up in 1 hour, luv hubby”
Thank you for patiently reading my blog. If you have any views, comments, thoughts or incidents which you were part of - please feel free to drop a comment on this blog page or write to me at
Happy Timing!

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