Friday, August 1, 2014

Time - Time In-turn Manages Everything!

Greetings, this is dedicated to individuals wanting to improve their time management through simple points to remember.

Two of my favorite quotes on “Time”, one talks about right intent, while the other talks about wish to own the “Time Itself”!

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."-  Michael Altshuler
“I used to be a watchmaker, I could make my own hours” - Anonymous

Friends, have you been through these situations before:  
  • An extra 5min snooze on alarm, surprised you how an hour went by!
  • An extra minute glimpse on TV, burnt the food you were cooking for hours!
  • An empty theatre was sold out, when you logged in again an hour later to book tickets!
  • Exams – you knew all the answers but just couldn’t write them all in time.
  • An extra hour at work, that you thought was cool, cost you hours of shopping to fix your wife’s mood ;)
These are few haunting instances most of us would have gone through among many others!
My reason for mentioning these situations in my blog is to make more people aware that time just ticks. It is we who need to align priorities & act “just in time”.
As you grow in your Life & Career, it’s never easy to manage time. But, with simple awareness one can do wonders. None of us are magicians to do everything every time. It is as simple as prioritizing what needs to be done at the earliest which matters.
There are a lot of books out there which talk about time management. Sure, we can learn a lot from them, below are few tips my friend suggested me to keep things simple:

• Prioritize based on importance and urgency. Take care of urgent and important tasks first, then important and non-urgent.
• It doesn’t need to be perfect, it needs to be taken care of.  Do the best but don’t look for perfection all the time.
• Write down the To Dos to avoid forgetting any task that needs to be done.  Out of sight is out of mind.
• Respect other people’s time as you would like your time to be respected. 
• Good to have day’s calendar view in mind when you start your day … it keeps you aligned.
• Apply the same formula for work and home life and keep an integrated work/home life calendar so one doesn’t prioritize over the other.
• Delegate the activities or tasks as necessary and as appropriate.  You don’t want to be the bottleneck ;)
In my experience, two key thoughts I would like to share as take away from this blog, one helps in professional & the other in personal life.
1. There are multiple - similar activities we do in daily life & at work, anything done repeatedly must be focused to gain mastery over a period. By doing so, we start reducing the time we take to do the task as we get more efficient. Time Saved is Time Earned!
2. Always remember – “the time to take rest is when you don’t have time for it”. Read it again and again till you realize the importance of it.
When Friends & Family members suggests us to get some rest, the rebuttal we have is "there is no time for it now", but that’s the actual time you need some rest. When you know it is true, slow down! It will only help you gain better energy to accomplish more tasks.
Remember, time management should always be a balance of professional & personal Life!
Finally a joke to end this blog on a smiling note: “Husband sends an SMS to wife – “having my last mug of beer, will be at home in 1 hour. Read it again if I don’t turn up in 1 hour, luv hubby”
Thank you for patiently reading my blog. If you have any views, comments, thoughts or incidents which you were part of - please feel free to drop a comment on this blog page or write to me at
Happy Timing!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

"Give - To Get Back"


Greetings, Good day & Thank you for your presence here.

My second blog & I am very excited to share my thoughts about the topic which is close to my heart "Give - to get back"!

A famous quote by Winston Churchill constitutes the intentions of this blog “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”

What according to you is giving? Lot of thoughts run by when a question of this kind hovers around, we might think "Giving" as an act of donating, helping, lending or simply giving something to somebody anticipating some returns. Well, I am here to share a different view.  "Giving" is & should be a moral responsibility.

According to me "Giving" should be crowned the sacred most feeling in the modern world. We have reached a stage where "Giving" is one of the ways that will bring back the benefits you are seeking from this life & the world.

Giving - could be a help that you render to the one in need, sharing some of your things with your friends & family, sharing knowledge & empowering more people, or it could also mean creating opportunities for many. There are multiple ways you can give back to the world.

I personally believe in the power of people. As “ONE WORLD” if we all join hands & support the one in need - we will start the leap towards a better world than today! Lifestyle affordability in today’s world has increasingly become challenging & competitive. There is stronger need today than ever to create an atmosphere around for each of us to Live, Laugh & Love unconditionally!

Allow me to provoke a thought in your mind & heart today, ask yourself - Do you feel blessed to be standing in the position of giving & not on the other side? We may never get close to actually understand the feeling of what it means to wait for a helping hand to come by.

Friends, we can transform the living of many by doing tiny little contributions to this world. By contributions I do not necessarily mean money, but you can share knowledge, skills, create opportunities for many and make their lives beautiful & self-sustained.

We all get inspired by Leaders, stories, examples! My inspiration comes from the mere fact that I was fortunate to avail right education & knowledge of inspiration comes to me through this channel.

We know the likes of Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many more great leaders only because we were fortunate to get educated & learn about them. In today’s world so many sporting icons, actors, businessmen, leaders often support & standby for many good causes - it’s not like they are not busy! They are super busy - yes, maybe they make more than most of us, but who is asking for a defined contribution or money. A contribution made in any form to better the lives of many others is in itself a good start.

Hoping to have imbibed some thoughts of "Giving" in you, let me now address the most likely question that may arise in your mind by looking at the topic of this blog "Give - to get back". So, what actually do we get back when we "Give?"

Yes, you guessed it right - happiness, satisfaction & most importantly, it helps you stay grounded in life. Friends, are these not the things we want out of our lives & this world?

Who said being happy, satisfied and grounded in life is a hard nirvana to achieve? It is very simple - yes, trust me it is very simple to achieve this in Life! No? You don't agree with me - well try "Giving something back to the world" - and see what you get back in return! Introspect & I am sure you will find the happiness, satisfaction & gratitude you were always seeking.

Let me share a real incident: I was on my way to railway station & was in this Auto-Rickshaw, the driver was very friendly, seemed hard working and we happened to discuss our Life stories along our ride. During the conversation I was told that he had to ask his son recently not to pursue studies further, he needed his son to work and contribute money for better living as they were struggling to comply with price increase in food commodity. I was deeply shaken to know that earning bread and butter is sometimes so difficult for few & we sometimes waste so much of money in the name of lavish living. What kind of equality of life we live in today’s world? –

I decided to do something, I spoke to this auto driver & brainwashed him to make sure he understood how important it is for him as father to keep his son's education continued & what it could mean for their future good. He nodded his head in realization & agreed to get his kid back to school. I had some cash which I could give him for funding his books & fees for few months at the least. I was happy because he was considerate about my suggestions and was hoping he uses the money given in right spirit to enable education for his son.

Few weeks later, I received a call from an unknown number. Guess what, it was the same auto driver! He called me to thank for the help rendered – not much for the money, but for making him realize the importance of education. I was also delighted to know that his kid was back to school & aims to be an “Engineer” in future.

Friends - you cannot imagine the happiness & Satisfaction I felt by hearing to him, such a joy!

Spread happiness, knowledge & good culture to get back the same by this world. Don't forget what Mary Anne Radmacher once said: “As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way.”

When I meet people and discuss about “giving”, don't be mistaken - 90% of them are very happy to join you, everyone wants to contribute back to this world - the only reason most of us don’t make a start is because we tend to wait for someone to make a start, we all want to get associated with some organization, cause or community. My urge is for you to be the leader in starting these inspiration moments, you do not need to be led in such causes, you can lead from the front and "Make the difference".

Consider doing this: Close our eyes, imagine a dream world you want to live in - one where we all are equal, one where there is no differentiator of caste, creed or color, one where there is no rich or poor, one where there are only smiles all around the place, one where there are millions of shoulders to hold you when you are weak, one where there is hope and wisdom all around!

Don't most of us want to be part of such dream world? While most of it is fantasy, some of it is possible to attain in reality. It only means that there is stronger need for us to come together and make these moments of magic possible & live them to the fullest.

I have taken a pledge & hoping after reading this blog, I was able to inspire some of you to join the force in "Giving to this world" - not in the hope of getting back but in happiness of seeing more people happy.

You are unique and special, I am sure each one of you can contribute in your own way. Do what you can in your capacity, to make people around you Live, Laugh & Love! Remember we came empty handed in this world and we will go back empty handed. So, while we are here, let’s make it worthwhile for everyone around.

Thank you for patiently reading my blog, hope it inspires you to do more. If you have any views, comments, thoughts or incidents which you were part of - please feel free to drop a comment on this blog page or write to me at  

Happy Giving!

- Avi

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Simple Life Complex Living


Greetings & Thank you for visiting my blog.

This is my first blog & I hope to articulate "Work Life in todays world" in my own way. Hoping to connect with some of you & may be inspire some to think towards change !

We all cherish our happy days of school & college. Have you ever thought, despite the pressure of exams, results, studies & tuitions we always loved going to school and visiting the college campus (not the class ;)) - Acc to me the Reason is simple. At that point in life, we enjoyed our lives with our friends, gossiping, talking about sports, sharing similar emotions and connect. Sit back and think, this was possible because we kept our thoughts simple, "lets go to college, meet our friends then take it from there" - at least most would agree here. Simple rule of "Take one thing at a time, don't over plan, & never be under prepared"

From resonating happiness around, we gradually transform to be these hard looking, serious beings once our career catches up! From personal experience & people around, below are few points that i can classify to summarize my views:

1. School & College Life we boast, no matter what friends come first.
2. After you get your New Job, you are resoundingly happy about it and party for every reason.
3. Then friends together decide, family first, even if we don't meet - we always will stay in touch.
4. Better job, better salary - less time, less social activity. No touch with friends, hardly see families.
5. Worry that salary is not enough to meet the demanding needs of life, plan something about it.
6. In the midst of this, we get married to find a companion & life takes a different tangent of happiness again.
7. Growth, EMIs, Commitments, Flat, Car, take priority steadily.

and, without our own knowledge we indulge in a Complex Living! Give it a thought - In your college or school days to have fun in Life, how many of us worried about the money part? It always took care of itself !

I am not saying that establishing yourself or earning for a better living is bad. It is highly important to have status in social life, but don't overdo any of it. When the time is right - things will fall into place. If you feel you missed an opportunity, so be it – another one will come your way as long as you stay positive.

We need to make time for ourselves, our friends & family - this supersedes and stamps the very reason we work so hard. If you smile, the world smiles with you - then magically work, growth & life starts elevating! That is why good leaders are able to be all rounders & still be connected!

Ask yourself, does it make sense to earn high and not have time to enjoy it when you should? All that you earned is worthless when you are gone from the world and guess what - time won't reverse nor give you a second chance!

My suggestion: Take a break once in a while, getaway with family & friends - have responsible fun. Play sports, gym, eat healthy, give your body the rest it deserves. That's when life is lived to the fullest. This magically enables you to get energy, focus & determination. The positive vibe you will carry due to the happiness attained by spending time with family, friends & more importantly yourself will make growth a natural phenomena. That said, patience is must in every path of Life.

Think again, think simple - over complexity requires more time to resolve !

Life is short, Kiss It

K - Keep
I - It
S - Simple &
S - Sweet.

Benefits of doing this - you will not only have a healthy social life, but an improved work life. That in today’s terms is called Work Life balance - highly marketed, intelligently said, but the need is for us to implement & Live Life!

Take Away from this blog: It's not only how far you made it, but how you balanced it - Matters. Just like the song: I tried so hard, got so far, in the end it doesn't even matter ! Think Wise.

Thank you for patiently reading this blog. If you liked the content, have suggestions or different views, please do leave comments. Will always respect & appreciate different perspectives

- Avi